

Have you ever noticed that married coworkers LOVE giving unsolicited relationship advice? Especially the guys. Especially the ones who’ve been married longer. (And on another note: is EVERYONE over 30 in New York married, or is my workplace an anomaly?!)

I just hope no one asks me if I have plans for Valentine’s Day. It’s just something that I expect awkward people to do. When did this holiday get to the point that single people have to pretend to love the holiday so they don’t appear bitter? Can’t a single person hate it as legitimately as many non-single people do?!

Someone get this girl a more comfortable chair!

No one likes to play the waiting game. In love, it can be the oft-depicted girl waiting by the phone. That cliché just might be too old-fashioned these days, but it’s as appropriate a metaphor as anything. Because what’s more annoying than waiting for that all-important next step to manifest?

It’s almost the middle of the year and I don’t know about the rest of you, but I feel like I’m in a holding pattern–in general. I have an application due for my day job’s professional licensing process in a month’s time. Funnily enough, I’m not too concerned about the list of things to take care of. Never mind that the application has to be painstakingly filled out; that the document has to be approved by a state regulation board; and that there’s an 8-hour exam in the fall to be ready for. Nonstop studying in my free time now till fall? Pshh. Not intimidated. Never mind all that–all that stuff will get taken care of, the hours will be put in, and as a sum of all the due diligence I will (*fingers crossed*) sit for the exam and pass with flying colors.

But–waiting out for the professional powers that be to designate me from someone in training to a legit, seal-bearing professional? THAT’S the frustrating part. Isn’t it strange that I’m not worried about getting my ducks all lined up, but rather the (seemingly unending) period of limbo just before a change in status is the killer? In my field, a professional is ‘in training’ for 4 years, and not one timeframe during the last 47 months has seemed so agonizingly slow as the one right now.

As in most things, it’s simply a matter of timing.

A lot hinges on this milestone, and a lot will change once I finally reach it. My other next big life steps (e.g. moving out of my parents’ house for the third and hopefully final time, for one) will get much needed attention and have more clarity. So too the case for most big things anyone is ever waiting on. There’s always something: the diploma, the job, the loan approval, the wedding day, the first child, etc. (Why did we ever wanna be adults again?!)

If you, too, are in a holding pattern in the midst of huge life changes, I definitely feel your pain. Rather than wax philosophical and quote old adages to you [aside from saying, with optimism, that this IS a phase and it too SHALL pass–blah blah blah…btw, I write that as much for my benefit as for anyone else’s],  here’s all I’ve got: I’m with you. Waiting sucks. Reminding ourselves that it’s really important to stay focused on the present, however true that may be, also sucks.

On the bright side, sources tell me that life gets a lot more enjoyable after you hit 30. Can we say countdown??